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My painting process

Painting is a very important part of my life for me. It makes me get out of my head and into my feelings.

There is of course a process that precedes this. I always have a sketchbook or my mobile with me on the road, in case I come across beautiful shapes. Or regularly just before I go to sleep I suddenly have all kinds of ideas and I make quick sketches in my sketchbook. For example, I have a number of sketchbooks full of shapes. These can be existing forms such as objects, forms from nature or architecture that I simplify with my sketch.

After that I start with the color palette. I usually choose about four colors to start with. I make a light sketch on the canvas and start with the four colors. I always make sure that there is a balanced distribution of the colors.

From this moment on the intuitive part starts where I feel that it is not really interesting to look at yet, then I know that I am in the initial phase of the canvas. And then it so happens that the initial colors slowly fade into the background. Colors come to life, shapes come into the shapes. Always completely on feeling and that's really great to do! You get into a world that doesn't exist and you are just creating it yourself. Usually in the evening when the kids are in bed I'm in the attic with some music on, dimmed lights and then the bubble starts and I go on a trip. Gradually it becomes more and more interesting, the canvas comes to life. The mind is completely turned off at this stage of the process.

When I come out of the bubble and look at the canvas again the next day, I see what is missing, where it needs to be scraped. Little moments of understanding and then on to the feeling.

The moment it's finished differs each time, sometimes I know this is it! Sometimes that feeling doesn't come and I come up with another idea. Sometimes I paint over it or sometimes I paint over it partially and integrate the existing images with the new.

It is often the case that when you feel that the fight has started, by that I mean that you know that it is really not right for a while, you know that you are learning. It's a process for life, no matter how much and how long you paint you keep learning.

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